Well, it's the dead o' winter round these parts, and I want to leave the bees alone. But on a 45 degree day, I noticed that one hive was acting strange. I peeked inside, and they weren't clustered and they were buzzing very loudly. In my limited experience, loudly buzzing bees are unhappy bees, for any number of reasons.
Today was colder, so I couldn't do much. I peeked in and they were
more clustered, but not

really like I expected. At least they aren't buzzing loudly. This hive is in two mediums and if this is the cluster, it's huge. I thought this hive was smaller. If this is indeed the cluster, they'll run out of food before Winter is through with them.
really don't want to lose this hive. It's the more natural of the two hives. It's also serene. This hive has never stung me, even when I tore into the hive, pulled apart the comb, dropped it, picked it up off the ground and replastered it in the frames with rubber bands.
I love these little buggers. What's up with that?
Here's a close up.