Saturday, May 7, 2011

2B or Not 2B

Well, things are not going well on the bee front. Lost both my hives this winter.

So I bought two new packages this year, set to arrive March 30th. On March 29th, my Dad broke his hip. I contacted Waldo Ohio Apiaries, and they said no problem, they would send me my packages in two weeks with their next shipment.

So I get the new packages and the bees are half dead. Even the postwoman commented, "I've never seen a package that looked that bad." I called Waldo Apiaries and they said I shouldn't have accepted them from the post office, it's my problem now. Thanks a lot. They promised that they had not sent me two week old packages, but I wonder.

So I installed the packages, and find that one of the queen cages had a live queen and all dead workers. The other queen cage looked okay.

Today, it's 3 weeks later, and both hives have laying workers, no queens. Bunch of drone cells. Argh. In a Hail Mary effort, I drove 30 minutes away, bought two queens and put the queen cages in my hives. Now I guess I just wait and hope they don't kill them. I SUCK AS A BEEKEEPER. dangit.